Funds Master Prospectus(MP)* / Prospectus(P) /Supplemental Prospectus(SP) / Information Memorandum (IM) Product Highlight Sheet Semi Annual Report Annual Report Monthly Fund Factsheet
*Amanah Saham BSN


RMP / Notification / SOA

(Please click to view document) *Effective from 18/09/2023

*BSN Dana Al-Jadid


RMP / Notification / SOA

(Please click to view document) *Effective from 18/09/2023

*BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah


RMP / Notification / SOA

(Please click to view document) *Effective from 18/09/2023

BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas

RP / Notification / SOA / Wakaf Distribution

(Please click to view document) *Effective from 18/09/2023

BSN Dana Income Stream 1 (BDIS 1)

Information Memorandum (IM)

(Please click to view document) *Effective from 9/12/2024

*Please contact us at 03-2634 2200 or email to if you want to obtain any of the above-mentioned historical document.


Annual Report FYE 31 December 2023 for Amanah Saham BSN | BSN Dana Al-Jadid | BSN Dana Al-Ifrah | BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas.


“Please be informed that the hardcopy of the annual report for Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSN Dana Al-Jadid, BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah and/or BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas will no longer be provided to all investor via postal mail. However, investors able to view and/or download the latest annual reports FYE 31 December 2023, which be readily available on 29 February 2024 at our website at .

If investors require the hardcopy of the annual report or if have any further queries or need further clarification, please contact us at 03-2634 2200 or email us at’.

Amanah Saham BSN | BSN Dana Al-Jadid | BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah


“Please be informed that the Replacement Master Prospectus for Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSN Dana Al-Jadid and BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah dated 18 September 2023 will replaces and supersedes the Master Prospectus for Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSN Dana Al-Jadid and BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah dated 24 November 2016, First Supplemental Master Prospectus for Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSN Dana Al-Jadid and BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah dated 29 March 2019, Second Supplemental Master Prospectus for Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSN Dana Al-Jadid and BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah dated 1 November 2019 and Third Supplemental Master Prospectus dated 1 October 2021. The effective date is 18 September 2023.”

BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas


 “Please be informed that the Replacement Prospectus for BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas dated 18 September 2023 will replaces and supersedes the Prospectus for BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas dated 25 March 2022. The effective date is 18 September 2023.”