Permodalan BSN Berhad (PBSNB), is a body incorporated on 13 October 1994 under the Companies Act, 1965 and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Simpanan Nasional (“BSN”). PBSNB commenced its operation on 2 January 1995. The Paid-Up capital of PBSNB is RM5,000,000 comprising 5,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each has been issued.
PBSNB has more than twenty five (25) years experience in managing unit trust funds.Currently, PBSNB manages four (4) unit trust funds.
The total value of funds operated by PBSNB as follows :
Total Value (as at 31 December 2023)
Amanah Saham Bank Simpanan Nasional BSN Dana Al-Jadid BSN Dana Dividen Al-Ifrah BSN Dana Wakaf Al-Ikhlas